Realistic-style wall mural of a landscape featuring a church and houses on a lake with trees. One side is sunlit. The other side is dark. A cartoon rainbow cuts through the two sides.
wall mural of a very fancy red brick Victorian-style building. The grounds feature many flower beds and a fountain. There is a woman in the foreground wearing a long dress and a hat with a ribbon.
A realistic wall mural of children playing outside during winter. One child is tapping a maple tree. Two other children are kneeling and crouching on the ground. The child who is kneeling has a bird on their wrist. There is a man carrying a tapping bucket in the background.
realistic ocean mural with crashing waves on interior hallway wall of the Huronia Regional Centre. There is a wooden fence in the foreground. Landscape in the distance to the right appears to be Cape Breton.
The inside bottom of a damaged bathtub contains a drain and plug that are rusted and corroded. There is a thin yellow hose lying below the drain and plug.