Artifacts - Medical Equipment

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  • Black box with metal clasp and blue felt lining. Blood-stained tubing ending in glass vials.
  • Open red box with rounded edges and black felt lining. Glass vials in case. Rolled up collection of photographic negatives of blood cells, with label: "Haemacytometer." Instructions that read: "Chambers and Cover Glass."
  • Rolls of parchment with wood frames and metal clasps for unrolling. Medical tray and "Morgue" sign in background.
  • Box labeled: "Jackson Trachea Tube, Catalog No. 871-421 Size 7, Sterling, The Lowton Company, 425 Fourth Avenue, New York." Metal chamber pot in background.
  • Three long metal cylinders, three short cylinders, each hollow with a wide base.
  • White medical tray with glass test tube vials.
  • Medical tray with metal instruments, including scissors and reflex hammer.
  • Walnut wooden block that curves in the centre.
  • Cardboard box with metal tool and bunched black cord. Medical trays along border.
  • Circular metal dials with clamps.
  • White metal dentist chair with black cushions.
  • Six metal chamber pots, stacked in three rows.
  • Stacked metal kidney basins.
  • Black leather case with handles.
  • Metal stretcher on casters, with brown padding.
  • Metal stretcher on casters, with netting.
  • Soiled hanging fabric with floral pattern.
  • Metal bed pan on cardboard and blue linoleum floor.
  • Metal medical tray with instruments, including scissors, tweezers, bowl, funnel.
  • White metal stand on casters. Mint green shelving and wood coat hanger in background.
  • Metal medical table on casters.
  • Two square boxes on wood table, reading: "Trade Vita Mark Registered, One Dozen Hypodermic Needles will not Rust, Tarnish or Corrode, Sole Distributor for Canada, J.F. Hartz Co., Ltd., Toronto & Montreal, Made in U.S.A."