Artifacts - Children's Toys, Games and Crafts

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  • A doll with painted blue eyes, wavy blond hair with fringe, and a pink dress with a lace front, under fur and white yarn.
  • Artistic image of a Santa Claus silhouette holding sack, leaping over pine trees. Full moon in the background. Black and cream colours.
  • Wooden rocking horse head, circular in shape with handle. Face and hair painted on in profile. Trophies in background.
  • Resident painting of two spotted rooster heads and two white birds against cerulean blue backdrop.
  • Resident painting of two songbirds with long white heads and necks, and colourfully painted wings. Perched on a branch against a purple backdrop.
  • Framed resident drawing of a bird of prey flying, body pointed downward. Blue thickly scribbled around the figure.
  • Framed drawing of brick castle with rounded turret columns and detailed windows.
  • Wooden rocking horse head, circular in shape with handle. Face and hair painted on in profile. Seat painted dark brown with heart carved into back. Wide bottom. Trophies and sleds in background.
  • Vintage wooden sled with red and black decorative paint and the phrase "Royal Racer" painted on. Four lawn bowling balls and a megaphone along border.
  • Box labelled "Instructo Rhyming Pictures for the Flannel Board." Displays squares with drawn colourful images, from left to right: boat, petticoat, goat, alarm clock, rock, sock, snake, rake, cake.
  • A doll with painted blue eyes, wavy blond hair with fringe, and a pink dress with a lace front, under fur and white yarn.
  • Wooden chess board folded in half, closed with a metal clasp. Pine and oak squares.
  • Five black lawn bowling balls worn from use. Sled and chess board along the borders.
  • Vintage wooden sled with red and black decorative paint and the phrase "Royal Racer" painted on.
  • Pine wood toboggan against a wall.