A white man in profile with wire glasses, in vest and orange shirt. He is standing to the right of a white metal crib with bars, on casters. Blue and cream striped mattress. Larger metal crib cots on background.
Mid-range shot of a white woman with close cropped hair, red glasses, and black jacket. She is holding the metal bar to a crib cot with a mint green mattress pad.
Handheld birch wood bath thermometer with a range of 10-120 degrees. "Hot" marked at 110, "Warm" at 100, "Tepid" at 90, "Tempe" at 80, "Cool" at 70, "Cold Bath" at 50, "Freezing" at 30.
Close-up view of crib cot. Six horizontal running metal bars. Drop down ceiling and florescent light in background. The photograph was taken as if sitting inside the crib cot looking up.
Worn doorknob with visible scratches around the keyhole. AGM1 is written on the right side of the keyhole on the door. There is a circular scratch underneath the door knob.
An audio recording from a tour of the HRC. A site visitor discusses the use of forced sterilization techniques at the HRC that included birth control experiments conducted at the institution.
Harold Dougall, former HRC resident, talks about escaping the institution, sneaking out, and going to downtown Orillia before being caught by an HRC staff member. Harold Dougall and Alex Tigchelaar describe the HRC kitchen and the wards of the former HRC.
An audio clip of Harold Dougall speaking with Alex Tigchelaar as they tour Harold's room as a resident at HRC. Harold explains that the walls of his old bedroom had been painted and curtains put on the windows. Harold explains that there were 16 residents in one room at the HRC and expresses that he feels angry when people spread 'bullshit' about the HRC being a decent place that has fallen into disrepair. Harold responds with the fact that there were not even bathrooms near residents' bedrooms,
An audio clip of site visitors discussing the dirty state of resident bathrooms at the HRC, that HRC doctors and teachers lived in apartments on each floor, the presence of an assault room and the use of isolation tactics, and bars on windows. One former resident describes stealing candy from an HRC teacher while a former HRC staff member reports that a single doctor was responsible for the care of 20 HRC residents. Another site visitor noted the HRC population being 2600 in 1960.