Records - Children's Aid Society and HRC

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  • Supervisor of Socialization Services reports on the need for crisis intervention for Cheryl during her pregnancy.
  • A social work report of an interview with Cheryl about a custody dispute over her non-biological child whom she had cared for from birth until removed by Children's Aid Services due to his need for special care. Cheryl's history of institutionalization is used against her. The social worker describes Cheryl's appearance and emotional state suggesting that she cannot provide a stable home for her children. The report notes that Cheryl is determined to rise above her unhappy history.
  • This document is a social history for Timothy compiled by a social worker. It describes some of Timothy's personal and family history, the circumstances leading to his admission, his HRC programs and progress, and family contact.
  • This document is a Social Work Summary. It briefly describes Timothy's history as a CAS ward and a resident of Sunbeam Home. It notes his previous contact with his sister. It also describes his "mental" status, as "profoundly retarded" and notes the HRC programs he was in.
  • This document is a social work progress note that describes a telephone conversation between Timothy's sister and his Social Worker regarding the potential for Timothy to visit. The social worker also documents a conversation with Timothy's mother.
  • This is a letter from HRC physician to CAS social worker informing them that Timothy was back in his Cottage following his stay in the treatment centre after fracturing his hip.
  • This is a letter to CAS from HRC physician informing them that Timothy fractured his hip, was admitted to hospital, and had surgery.
  • This is a letter to Huronia Regional Centre from the metropolitan Children's Aid Society informing them that Timothy's wardship had been terminated because he reached the age of majority.
  • This document is a referral form for Timothy's admission to Surrey Place Mental Retardation Centre. The referral was made by a Social Worker at the Toronto Children's Aid Society. It offers a detailed history of Timothy's family history, his health and development, education, and reason for referral.
  • This document is a referral form for Timothy's admission to Surrey Place Mental Retardation Centre. The referral was made by a Social Worker at the Toronto Children's Aid Society. The referral offers a detailed history of Timothy's family history, health and development history, education, and reason for referral.
  • This document is Timothy's notice of admission. It includes basic information about Timothy including his previous residence, date of admission, and date of birth.
  • This is a letter from the Children's Aid Society to the Ontario Hospital School requesting annual updates and records for Timothy as per the Child Welfare Act.
  • This document is a social assessment of Timothy written upon his admission to the Ontario Hospital School and includes a personal assessment, a summary of character and needs.
  • This is a letter from a Senior Social Worker, Toronto Children's Aid Society to Sunbeam Homes. The original letter included Timothy's "mental defective patient's history" forms and medical examination report.