Site Visit - Goodbye to the Huronia Regional Centre

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  • An audio recording of the final site visit to the Huronia Regional Centre's Cemetery. Survivor Cindy Scott pleads that advocates are trying to do something about the abuse endured by residents at the institution.
  • An excerpt of an interview with Brian Logie describing making numbered gravestones while at the Huronia Regional Centre. Brian describes pouring cement forms and stamping them with numbers.
  • A list of patients who died while institutionalized at the Huronia Regional Centre including gravestone registry. In pencil, in cursive text on the left inside cover of the registry, reads the words "Registrar of Deaths J.C. Rose Orillia". In black ink in cursive text on this side the words, "Telegraph Office Sunday 10-11am 5-6pm" are visible. On the right inside cover of the registry in red ink in cursive text is a list with the letters S, C, B, P, M. Each of these letters corresponds to a funeral home, with P being Private Burial.
  • A small red metal sign above an elevator indicator on an off-white cement brick wall. The sign reads, "BASEMENT: MAINTENANCE STORES, EXIT TO TRAM; 1ST FLOOR: WORK SHOPS, AUTHORIZED STAFF ONLY; 2ND FLOOR: MAINTENANCE OFFICES, ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING, WHEEL CHAIR REPAIR" in white lettering. ELECTRICAL and PLUMBING have been crossed out in black with an arrow that directs them to the first floor.
  • McGhie Building #22 maps. There are three wooden framed maps on white paper with a red-lined guide. There is a fourth printed map with a green highlighted guide that is taped to the wall. The printed map displays the tramway that reaches to building # 53.
  • A photograph of guiding maps of Cottage A. There are 4 framed maps of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and basement floors printed on white paper.
  • Huronia survivor standing in a green hallway being recorded by a woman holding a camera and microphone
  • A map on wall with arrows to the resident canteen, cottage K, personnel, cottage A, main stores, complex T, cottage C, Complex S, Cottage M, Cottage D, Cottage R, Complex G, and laundry
  • Cindy Scott speaking into a microphone on a tripod in a green Sound Room.
  • White hand holding metal crib bar. Mint green and blue and cream striped mattress pads in background.
  • White man with wire glasses, a blue vest, and bright orange shirt, holding a boot with laces.
  • A white man in profile with wire glasses, in vest and orange shirt. He is standing to the right of a white metal crib with bars, on casters. Blue and cream striped mattress. Larger metal crib cots on background.
  • A realistic wall mural of children playing outside during winter. One child is tapping a maple tree. Two other children are kneeling and crouching on the ground. The child who is kneeling has a bird on their wrist. There is a man carrying a tapping bucket in the background.
  • Cindy Scott standing in front of the HRC entrance. She is dressed all in black and has one foot leaning against the red brick wall of the staircase.
  • Cindy Scott standing in front of the Huronia Regional Centre entrance. She is dressed all in black and has one foot leaning against the red brick wall of the staircase. Above Cindy and the staircase is the arched doorway to the administrative offices of the building.
  • Cindy Scott sitting atop cement steps in front of two glass doors to the Health Services building. She is gesturing the middle finger.
  • Mid-range shot of a white woman with close cropped hair, red glasses, and black jacket. She is holding the metal bar to a crib cot with a mint green mattress pad.
  • Cindy Scott standing in front of exterior of Huronia Regional Centre building. She is dressed all in black with a blue, grey and white striped polo shirt visible underneath. The upper half of the building is red brick with big arched windows. The ground level of the building is greystone and has rectangular windows.
  • White woman with close cropped hair, red glasses, and a dark coat holds a brown leather belt by the buckle.
  • Harold Dougall on his motor bike during the site visit in 2014. Harold is wearing an orange jacket, silver framed glasses and a white helmut with a black visor. In the background is the red brick Huronia main building
  • Harold Dougall on his motor bike. Harold is wearing a red jacket, black pants and silver framed glasses, with a white helmet with a black visor. His motorbike is silver.
  • The former Huronia Regional Centre Site Access Map. Note on yellow paper stuck to map with masking tape: No access to buildings 20 + 21 due to a safety issue