Records - Psychiatry

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  • This document is a psychological examination summary from another institution. It notes Cheryl's given IQ, her "mental age," and describes her as "upper moron level."
  • A psychological examination summary that notes Cheryl's IQ, her "mental age," and describes her as "upper moron level."
  • A summary of Cheryl's psychological examination completed shortly after her admission to the Huronia Regional Centre in 1963.
  • A summary of Cheryl's psychological examination. The examiner remarks on her size, personality, and academic performance.
  • This document contains four drawings completed by Marcy. They were likely completed as part of a behavioural assessment.
  • This document is a 20-page record of disturbed behaviour dated between June 1982 and April 1989. The incidents reported took place in Cottage 10 and in Terrace View. The incidents include such this as ripping clothes and hitting staff.
  • This document contains six records of disturbed behaviour for the year 1989. They describe the "behaviour" that took place, the context of it, location, and the action taken by staff.
  • This document contains ten records of disturbed behaviour for the year 1990. They describe the "behaviour" that took place, the context of it, the location, and the action taken by staff.
  • This document contains three records of disturbed behaviour for the year 1991. They describe the "behaviour" that took place, the context of it, the location, and the action taken by staff. In these records Timothy was reportedly physical with staff members and other residents, and ripped off his clothes.
  • This document contains six records of disturbed behaviour for the year 1992. They describe the "behaviour" that took place, the context of it, the location, and the action taken by staff.
  • This document contains two records of disturbed behaviour for the year 1993. They describe the "behaviour" that took place, the context of it, location, and the action taken by staff.
  • This document contains one record of disturbed behaviour for the year 1994. It describes the "behaviour" that took place, the context of it, location, and the action taken by staff.
  • This document contains two records of disturbed behaviour for the year 1996. They detail the "behaviour" that took place, the context of it, location, and the action taken by staff.
  • This document is a monthly report for facility behavioural services. It describes Timothy's behavioural progress following a request from Lakeview Program staff for assistance with Timothy.
  • This document is an annual psychology report. It includes a summary of Timothy's previous assessments (Kuhlmann and Vineland Social Maturity Scale), it notes Timothy's 'mental status,' his activities, and recommendations for activities.
  • This document contains multiple "Adaptive behaviour" tests that Marcyunderwent as a resident at HRC. The tests assign a numerical value to "behaviours" such as independent functioning, self-direction, socialization, antisocial behaviour, untrustworthy behaviour, and so on. The tests also contain a drawing by Marcy .
  • This document is an annual psychiatric assessment and report. It includes a record of psychiatric testing (Kuhlmann and Vineland Social) and a record of the results of the test. It also provides a general description of Timothy, his history, and general health; a description of his 'performance' during the test; and a summary of Timothy's 'character' and 'behaviour.' It assigns a "mental age" to Timothy.
  • This document is an annual psychiatric assessment and report. It includes a record of psychiatric testing (Kuhlmann and Vineland Social) and a record of the results of the test. It also provides a general description of Timothy, his history, and general health; a description of his 'performance' during the test; and a summary of Timothy's character' and 'behaviour.' It assigns a "mental age" to Timothy.
  • This document is an annual psychiatric assessment for Timothy. It includes a record of psychiatric testing (Kuhlmann) and a record of the results of the test. It also provides a general descriptions of Timothy and his 'performance' during the test. It assigns a "mental age" to Timothy.
  • This document is a psychiatric consultation report. The report focuses on Marcy 's feelings about sexuality and physical attractiveness.
  • This document is a psychiatric consultation report. The report details some personal feelings Marcyraised to the psychiatrist as a teenager including things related to appearance, sexuality, and interactions with peers. It discusses Marcy 's drawings and how they were interpreted by the psychiatrist.
  • This document is a psychiatric consultation report. The report offers a brief family history. It also describes some of the psychiatrist's concerns about Marcy 's mental health. It discusses Marcy 's drawings and the psychiatrist's interpretation of them. It discusses some of Marcy 's feelings regarding her appearance. It also notes the psychiatrist's opinion that Marcywas not "mentally retarded."
  • This document includes a request for Timothy to have a psychiatric consultation. The reasons for consultation request are listed, including "increased aggression." The document also contains a detailed, 3-page report completed by psychiatrist.
  • This document includes a request for Timothy to have a psychiatric consultation with a psychiatrist to best determine the placement ward for Timothy in HRC. It was completed two months following Timothy's admission.
  • Letter from the HRC to the Toronto Psychiatric Hospital notifying of the return of Robert's mother's patient records. The returned file was enclosed in the letter. Sent on 11 June, 1962.