This document contains Timothy's application for Family Allowance Benefit and the supporting documentation. It contains a consent form to disclose and verify information, a medical report, and a supplementary medical information form.
This document is a note in Timothy's Social Record stating that his account with the HRC had been closed following his transfer to a group home sponsored by Christian Horizons on October 22, 1997.
This document is a Case Management Review Summary for Timothy. It notes the objectives of various institutional departments such as residential services.
This document is a Case Management Review Summary for Timothy. It notes the objectives of various institutional departments such as residential services.
This document is a social history for Timothy compiled by a social worker. It describes some of Timothy's personal and family history, the circumstances leading to his admission, his HRC programs and progress, and family contact.
This document is a Social Work Summary. It briefly describes Timothy's history as a CAS ward and a resident of Sunbeam Home. It notes his previous contact with his sister. It also describes his "mental" status, as "profoundly retarded" and notes the HRC programs he was in.
This document is a Social Work Family Assessment. It describes the contact that Timothy had with his family over the course of his residency in HRC until 1988. It provides some discussion of Timothy's family history and family relationships. It notes that Timothy's mother and some of his siblings were interviewed by HRC social workers in 1987. It also notes the Multi-year plan for deinstitutionalization and describes the family's reaction. It also describes previous visits with family.
This document is a social work progress note that describes a telephone conversation between Timothy's sister and his Social Worker regarding the potential for Timothy to visit. The social worker also documents a conversation with Timothy's mother.
This document is a social work progress note. It discusses previous arrangements for Timothy to visit some of his family members. It notes that a caution was added to his file stating that he must have HRC worker accompany him on home visits.
This document is a social work progress report describing a home visit with Timothy's sister to discuss his progress in his HRC program. It gives a description of the home visit, an update on Timothy's family relationships, and it describes his sister's response to his placement.
This document contains 9 pages of dental treatments notes between 1974 and 1991. October 1986. It also includes an index card containing the contact information for Timothy's next-of-kin.
This document is a collection of operative records from Orillia Soldier's Memorial Hospital regarding dental treatment that was performed on Timothy under general anesthetic.