Front view of metal baby crib on casters with white bars across its top. Front door pulled down. Rust-red mattress pad. Second crib cot in background, with mint green mattress. White woman standing in the background.
Three cribs. Two crib cots in side view are have metal bars on casters with white bars across its top. Left crib cot has a rust-red mattress pad. Right crib cot has mint green mattress pad. Front view of third crib in foreground is smaller with white bars and cream and blue striped mattress pad. Head and base boards slope at corners.
Seven chairs facing forward. In background, from left to right: child's white chipped wood classroom chair; large wooden presidential chair with decorative back; child's blue-painted wood classroom chair; oak wood office chair on casters with sloping wrap-around arms; tall cherry wood chair. In foreground: child's pine wood classroom chair, cherry wood arm-less office chair on casters.
Close-up side view of crib cot. Five vertical running metal bars in front of a thin mint green mattress pad. The photograph was taken as if sitting inside the crib cot.
A white man in profile with wire glasses, in vest and orange shirt. He is standing to the right of a white metal crib with bars, on casters. Blue and cream striped mattress. Larger metal crib cots on background.
Mid-range shot of a white woman with close cropped hair, red glasses, and black jacket. She is holding the metal bar to a crib cot with a mint green mattress pad.
Close-up view of crib cot. Six horizontal running metal bars. Drop down ceiling and florescent light in background. The photograph was taken as if sitting inside the crib cot looking up.