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Recounting Huronia Community Archive
Recounting Huronia Archive
About the Huronia Regional Centre
Survivor Profiles
Harold Dougall
Carrieanne Ford
Brian Logie
Cindy Scott
Patricia Seth
Marie Slark
Speaking Back to the Record
Resident Records
Health Records
Managing Children
Letters from Home
Site Grounds
Inside the Institution
Artifact Room Items
Institutional Life
Staff Training
Final Huronia Site Visit
On the Road with the Speakers Bureau
Workshopping Social Justice
Across Institutions
Letters to Evelyn
Without Consent
All Too Brief
Tools of Violence
About this Site
Artifacts - General Site Visit Photography
Item set
Artifacts - General Site Visit Photography
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Resource class
Huronia Visit - artifact room - 037.jpg
hand pointing to mission list stating: "That people should participate in decisions which affect them"
Rhyming Game
Box labelled "Instructo Rhyming Pictures for the Flannel Board." Displays squares with drawn colourful images, from left to right: boat, petticoat, goat, alarm clock, rock, sock, snake, rake, cake.
Crib 2
Crib with white metal bars on casters. Cream and blue striped mattress pad. Head and base boards slope at corners.
Crib Mattress Pad
Cream and blue striped mattress pad with white stitching and buttons, in crib with white metal bars.
Crib 3
Close-up shot of crib with white metal bars. Cream and blue striped mattress pad.
Shelving for Nightgowns
The words "gowns" and "hickey" written in marker on a metal shelf.
Iron and Stamp
White hand holding a metal iron with thick wooden handle, beside a stamping machine.
Huronia Visit - artifact room - 016.jpg
a persons hand holding a found metal garden tool
Huronia Visit - artifact room - 014.jpg
a persons hand holding a wooden handle of a tool
Huronia Visit - artifact room - 013.jpg
a person's hand holding a metal tool
A pair of tall brown leather boots with laces on blue linoleum floor.
Huronia Visit - artifact room - 008.jpg
drums and trophies
Huronia Visit - artifact room - 006.jpg
drums and trophies
Huronia Visit - artifact room - 004.jpg
awards and trophies
Huronia Visit - artifact room - 003.jpg
six trombones and trophies
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