An unfocused video of site visitors walking through halls of the main HRC building and discussing the use of the male/female gender divide to organize HRC residents.
Harold Dougall on a site visit to Huronia in 2014. Harold is wearing a red coat and silver framed glasses and he is smiling. Photo is taken on the grounds.
Tombstone that reads 'In Memory of Our Dear Son, Lloyd Alfred Walsh, died July 9, 1942. The tombstone has an engraving of a sheep between two leaf designs.
Harold Dougall on his motor bike during the site visit in 2014. Harold is wearing an orange jacket, silver framed glasses and a white helmut with a black visor. In the background is the red brick Huronia main building
Harold Dougall on his motor bike. Harold is wearing a red jacket, black pants and silver framed glasses, with a white helmet with a black visor. His motorbike is silver.
A video of Harold Dougall was recorded during the final site visit where he
recollects an incident of abuse that he had witnessed while institutionalized in the HRC.
The inside bottom of a damaged bathtub contains a drain and plug that are rusted and corroded. There is a thin yellow hose lying below the drain and plug.
A view looking down at the inside of a dirty white sink with a layer of rust along the bottom. There is a dirty plastic hose coiled inside the sink and hanging from the shelf.
Wooden mail shelves that display human resource materials are designated by white labels for Notice of Termination, Canada Life - Dental OPSEU, and Payroll Deductions Table