Game Design and Development

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  • Unlocking the Potential of Puzzle-based Learning: Designing Escape Rooms and Games for the Classroom promotional poster for the Celebrating Laurier Achievements program with a headshot of the book's author Scott Nicholson.

    Unlocking the Potential of Puzzle-based Learning: Designing Escape Rooms and Games for the Classroom

    Discover the educational power of puzzle-based learning with escape games! Understand the principles of effective game design, the power of well-crafted narratives and how different game mechanics can support varied learning objectives. Applying escape room concepts to the classroom, this book offers practical advice on how to create immersive, collaborative learning experiences for your students without the need for expensive resources and tools. Packed with examples, including a full sample puzzle game for you to use with your students, this book is a primer for classroom teachers on designing robust learning activities using problem-solving principles.